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Support Theatre + Dance's Performing Arts Endowment

Student productions in the school’s Theatre + Dance department are integrally tied to curriculum: Hands-on, collaborative work provides a fertile environment for students to make significant contributions on all aspects of a production, from lighting and sound design to acting, dance, directing and choreography.

Thanks to their experience in student productions and the training they receive, our alumni make significant contributions in film, television, Broadway, off-Broadway and at major regional theatres. Your help is critically needed to help continue the valuable training experience students need, including funding actual productions and associated program expenses.

UC San Diego is considered one of the top five graduate theatre training programs in the country, offering MFA degrees in acting, design, directing, playwriting, stage management, and dance as well as a PhD in theatre. Private support will ensure that students can continue to collaborate through student productions, and add artistically to the field.

Please consider making a gift to the Performing Arts Endowment. Together, we can ensure that the show does go on.

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