- yiy312@ucsd.edu
9500 Gilman Dr
Mail Code: 0344
La Jolla , California 92093
Eighth-year PhD Student
Yi-Jen Yu is a eighth-year PhD student. She received a B.A. in Chinese Literature and an M.A. in butoh and activist theater studies from National Taiwan University. Her research investigates the convergence of performance studies, cultural studies, and material culture studies to explore the momentum of transitional justice in the texture and tactility of non-life objects. Developed from a specific interest in the presence and (re)presentations of absence, negative space, and body in pain, her projects examine the materiality of body in photography, musicking praxis, and contemporary dance in the East Asian context.
The convergence of performance studies, cultural studies, and material culture studies to explore the momentum of transitional justice in the texture and tactility of non-life objects.
BA in Chinese Literature from National Taiwan University
MA in Drama and Theatre from National Taiwan University